Title Index
Classical Arabic crime narratives : | Article of a journal |
Classical Arabic humanities in their own terms : | Book |
Classical Arabic poetry : | Book |
Classical Arabic poetry between folk and oral tradition / | Article of a journal |
Classical Arabic prose literature : | Article of a journal |
Classical Arabic verse : | Book |
Classical Islam : | Book |
Classical poems by Arab women / | Book |
The classics of western spirituality : | Serial |
Close relationships : | Book |
Clues for the Arabian influence on European musical theory / | Article of a journal |
Collected studies series ; CS | Serial |
A commentary on ten ancient Arabic poems : | Book |
Commitment in contemporary Arabic literature / | Chapter of a book |
Communication across Cultures : | Book |
Comparative literature | Serial |
The complex poem in new Arabic poetry, 1950-1985 / | Book |
The composition of Mutanabbi's panegyrics to Sayf al-Dawla / | Review |
The composition of Mutanabbi's panegyrics to Sayf al-Dawla / | Book |
Compromising the caliph : | Article of a journal |
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