Title Index
The oral tradition of classical Arabic poetry : | Book |
The oral tradition of classical Arabic poetry : | Review |
Orally transmitted poetry in pre-Islamic Arabia and other pre-literate societies / | Article of a journal |
Oriens : | Serial |
Oriental essays : | Book |
Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta | Serial |
Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica | Serial |
Orientalia. | Serial |
The origin and meaning of courtly love / | Book |
Origin of courtly love and the problem of communication / cAziz Ahmad. | Article of a journal |
The original sin in Arabic poetics / | Article of a journal |
The origins of Arabic poetry / | Article of a journal |
The origins of modern Arabic fiction / | Book |
The origins of the qasida form / | Chapter of a book |
Out of the closet : | Article of a journal |
An overview of modern Arabic literature / | Book |
The Oxford guide to literature in English translation / | Book |
Oxford oriental monographs | Serial |
Paired metaphors in muhdath poetry / | Article of a journal |
Palestine and modern Arab poetry / | Book |
OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation