OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Book
Title:Andalusian lyrical poetry and old Spanish love songs : the muwashshah and its kharja / Linda Fish Compton.
Author: Compton, Linda Fish
Publisher: New York : New York University Press, 1976.
Pages:xvii, 147 p.
Notes:(c) 1976 by New York UniversityFirst translation of this anthology to appear in any western languageContains 34 translated poems from Ibn Sana' al-Mulk's anthology, Dar al-Tiraz (House of embroidery)Includes glossary of translated terms
Bibliographic Note:Bibliography: p.139-141
Author as Subject: Ibn Sana al-Mulk, 1155-1211al-A'ma al-Tutayli, Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah, d. 1130 or 31Hatim ibn Sa'id Ibn al-Labbana, d.1113Ibn 'Ubada Ibn Baqi, Abu Bakr Yahya, d.1145-6Ibn Zuhr Ibn Bushra Ibn al-Khatib, Lisan al-Din, 1313-75
Descriptors: Translated poems Translated terms Muwashshah Poems, Ancient -- Muwashshahat -- Dar al-Tiraz Muwashshah -- Final coupletRomance dialect Muwashshah --
Series: 6
Location: Taylor Inst., Oxford. ASF4566 A.6 Oriental Inst., Oxford: OIL PJ7553 COM

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation