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Document Type:Book
Title:The theology of meaning : 'Abd al-Qahir al-Jurjani's theory of discourse / by Margaret Larkin.
Author: Larkin, Margaret
Publisher: New Haven, Connecticut : American Oriental Society, 1995.
Pages:ix, 220 p.
Notes:Contains appendix of Arabic texts: p.173-207.Based on a doctoral dissertation.c1995 by the American Oriental Society.Includes index with translated terms.
Bibliographic Note:Bibliography: p.208-214.
Author as Subject: al-Jurjani, 'Abd al-Qahir, d. 1078-1081'Abd al-Jabbar ibn Ahmad al-Asadabadi, d. 1025al-Asma'i, 740-828Ibn Qutayba, 828-829al-Jahiz, ca. 776 777-868 or 869al-Amidi, Abu al-Qasim, d. 987al-Jurjani, al-Qadi 'Ali ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, d. 1002al-Khattabi, Hamd ibn Muhammad, 931-996 or 998al-Rummani, 'Ali ibn 'Isa, 889-994al-Baqillani, d. 1013al-'Askari, Abu Hilal al-Hasan ibn 'Abd Allah, d. after 1005Ibn Jinni, b. bef. 943, d. 1002
Descriptors: Biography Translated terms Criticism, Ancient Theology Theology and meaning Poetics -- DiscourseBurdening Language -- Science Criticism, Ancient -- Rational meaning Qur'an -- Meaning Versification Grammar Bayan Tartib = ordering Discourse -- Linking Grammar --Inflection Muwada'a = conventional language Wording Ma'na qa'im fi'l-nafs Rhetoric -- Predication Trope Innovation, Rhetorical Image-making Badi' ' poetry Rhetoric, Ancient -- Intellectual conceits Intuition Rhetoric, Ancient -- Imaginative conceits Discourse -- Sincerity Language -- Discourse theory -- Lying Metaphor Takhyil Poetry, Ancient -- Personification Periphrasis Rhetoric
Series: 79
Location: Bodleian, Oxford. BOD Bookstack: Or.d.70/ /79

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation