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Document Type:Article of a journal
Title:Abu Hilal al-'Askari's attitude towards poetry and poets /George Kanazi.
Author: Kanazi, George J.
Summary:Contains some of Abu Hilal's observations about poetry and poets as expressed in his Kitab as-Sina'atayn.
Author as Subject: al-'Askari, Abu Hilal al-Hasan ibn 'Abd Allah, d. after 1005Ibn al-Mu'tazz, 'Abd Allah, 861-908al-Nabigha al-Dhubyani, 6th cent.Labid ibn Rabi'a, ca. 560-ca. 661al-Shammakh, 7th cent.al-Farazdaq, ca. 641-ca. 728Abu Tammam, ca. 805-845.al-Mutanabbi, Abu al-Tayyib Ahmad ibn al-Husayn, 915 or 16-965al-Jurjani, 'Abd al-Qahir, d.1078 or 1081al-Sahib ibn al-'Abbad, 938-95
Descriptors: Criticism, Ancient
Source: Journal of Semitic Studies. 20: 1 (Spring, 1975), p. 73-81
Source Type: Serial

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation